Friday, May 20, 2016

Nintendo announces new information regarding Pokémon Sun and Moon will be revealed June 2nd

Small news message today: The official Japanese Pokémon Twitter has put some further information out about the timing of the announcement on June 2nd. It confirmed that the information will be posted to the official Japanese website at 22:00 JST. That's 13:00 UTC, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT and 23:00 AEST. We'll post the news the second that it comes so be sure to keep checking back.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The internet's reactions to the new Pokemon Sun and Moon starters

The trailer for the new Pokemon Sun and Moon dropped today, and with it came the announcement of three new adorable starter pokemon.

There's Litten, naturally everyone's favorite because a) it's a cat, and b) it provides endless fodder for "It's lit!" jokes. Rowlet, an owl with the body of a chicken nugget, that is either wearing a leaf bow tie or a bra. And last and definitely least, Popplio, a silly clown-seal that fully deserves all of the hate it is currently receiving on Twitter, because look at this thing:

Rarely does the internet ever agree on anything, but it's unanimous on this front — Popplio sucks. Bojack Horseman designer Lisa Hanawalt pretty much correctly identified that Popplio is a Miranda:

 Webcomic artist KC Green nobly tried to keep the peace with a flawless 30 Rock reference:

What's most interesting about all of these responses are the very modern ways we're all reacting to this classic, beloved game of our childhoods. Pokemon is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, which means that those of us who grew up with the iconic series are now old enough to be on Twitter to make snarky jokes:

And to reimagine pokemon doing very hashtag 2016 things:

Perhaps the most impressive part about all this is the insane speed at which the Pokemon fandom has churned out their interpretations. The trailer's been out for half a day and already we're seeing perfect mash-ups and way too many variants of extremely buff Pokémon evolution predictions:

Lastly, I present to you the most 2016 thing of all: an entire nation thirsting for a brand. Go Canada!

Can you imagine if the internet had been around at the height of the Pokemon craze? How many memes might have been birthed? How many Twitter fights we would have gotten into over which pokemon is best? (It's Psyduck, end of discussion.) Judging from the internet's explosive reaction today, it looks like we're making up for lost time.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Take a closer look at Pokémon Sun and Moon's new starters

Five more Pokémon have joined the series' cast of 722, thanks to this morning's reveal of Pokémon Sun and Moon's starters and, more mysteriously, the legendaries on the boxes' covers. Stateside, we got a trailer that briefly showed off the fire, water and grass-types that trainers will have to choose from on Nov. 18, when the Nintendo 3DS games launch. (Japanese fans were treated to an even longer look at the Generation 7 Pokémon titles.)

Picking a starter Pokémon might be the most important decision a trainer makes in-game. But how does one choose? Helpfully, The Pokémon Company has since updated the games' website with deeper descriptions of the three newbies. With the increased information, we're here to help players start building their team of Pokémon so they can be ready when the games arrive, six months from now. As for the legendaries, we still don't know too much — but that won't stop us from offering our take on the Pokémon pair.


This little guy is called the "Grass Quill Pokémon." Clearly inspired by an owl, this grass/flying-type has a clear fashion sense — check out that leafy bowtie.

Even classier is Rowlet's steely silence, despite the friendly demeanor. The official description mentions that the bird can "attack without making a sound," giving it the ability to fly past its blissfully ignorant foes to land some killer kicks or send some leaves in its direction with the move Leafage.

As any owl can, Rowlet can also spin its head almost 180 degrees. We have to appreciate the commitment to real biology here, even if that particular note freaks us out a little.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon arrive november 18th, starter Pokémon and cover Pokémon revealed!

In a brief trailer released this morning, Nintendo gave eager Pokémon masters some important details on the forthcoming Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon: the games will launch on November 18th; as usual, each game will include a new as-yet-unnamed legendary mascot and new grass-, fire-, and water-type starter Pokémon.

The starters include Popplio, a water-type seal; Litten, a fire-type disinterested-looking cat (so, a cat); and Rowlet, a grass- and flying-type owl with an adorable little leafy bow tie (clearly the best of the three). Pokémon Sun's story will presumably revolve around the big sunny lion on the cover, where Moon will feature a big crescent-shaped bat.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

First Pokémon Sun and Moon info is coming next week

New information about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will be revealed on May 10, producer Junichi Masuda confirmed. The reveal is planned for 8 a.m. PT., and Masuda's teasing that it's "big news to everyone in the world."

Several official Pokémon Twitter accounts retweeted Masuda's announcement, including the North American one. In a blog post, Masuda neglected to say whether the news would come in the form of a livestream and offered no further hints.

Regardless, it's the first time fans will learn more about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon since they were announced for a worldwide holiday release. The Pokémon Company revealed the logos and release date for the Nintendo 3DS games in February, after a trademark application hinted that they were the next titles in the franchise.

In April, Masuda appeared on a Japanese television show to debut what was teased as a new look at the next Pokémon games. Instead, he showed off the Pokémon 20th anniversary video that aired stateside ahead of the franchise's birthday. Later in the show, he joked that the games would include "over 10 new Pokémon."